Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Highlights: JSR: Jammin’ Speedy Results

Although most authors (ultimately) appreciate of the rigorous editorial process at JSR, many may not realize that JSR currently has no backlog for getting accepted manuscripts to publication

What exactly does that mean for authors?  In short: Quicker publication. 

To provide perspective: your humble blogger and a student had a manuscript that was accepted for publication in another well-respected society journal in September, 2016.  We were told it would appear in press in May 2017 (!!)...but we just heard that “oops we meant August 2017...maybe.”  That’s a year delay!  Likewise, another competitor journal lists dates of acceptance online. Their most recent issue (April 2017) shows that some manuscripts that were accepted in August 2016 just now have their official final version published.

In marked contrast, manuscripts at the Journal of Sedimentary Research accepted for publication in April 2017  will appear in their final published version online in May 2017!  A matter of a few weeks!  Yowzah – Speedy Gonzales!  

Now to be fair, faster is not always better, and sometimes fast can be “too fast” and get you in trouble. And of course, there are some different (eh?) and interesting ways to speed up things. Some other journals post accepted manuscripts online early, but that’s “kind of” a pre-publication, but, as savvy JSR PaperClip readers know, you can see a lot of fake stuff on the internet.

But wouldn’t you just rather see your accepted manuscript published for real sooner than later?!  Submit it to JSR.

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