Compared to their sulfur-rich
evaporitic relatives, the origin and significance of sedimentary borates is
poorly constrained, yet these deposits can form economic resources. To better
understand lacustrine borates, Ortí et al. describe the sedimentology, petrographic characteristics, and stratigraphy
of cores from Miocene strata of three exploratory boreholes from Turkey. The
results reveal a succession rich in several scales of cyclic alternations of
primary (depositional to interstitial) glauberite (Na2Ca(SO4)2)
and probertite (NaCaB5O7(OH)4·3H2O)
(yes, those will be on the quiz). These
minerals and their varied textures are interpreted to vary according to lake
levels, chemistry, and paleogeographic setting in the paleo-saline lake. The
results emphasize the diversity of hydrogeochemistry that can influence
lacustrine evaporite depositional systems.
Sulfate–borate association (glauberite–probertite) in the Emet Basin: implications for evaporite sedimentology (middle Miocene,Turkey) by Federico Ortí, Laura Rosell, Javier García-Veigas, and Cahít Helvaci
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